Carol Smith

Vice President, Fundraising

Carol Smith has 20+ years of event management and fundraising experience, having joined PJH in 1999. Carol is a graduate from Rosary College (Dominican University), where she majored in English literature, minored in corporate communications. She is also the youngest of ten children, where talents in event management and fundraising are considered survival skills.

Fun Facts about Carol

Favorite Food:  Pizza! Thin crust or Chicago style deep dish, it is always tasty and has all the major food groups. 

Drama or Comedy? Comedy. "The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter." Mark Twain

Cubs or Sox? Born and raised a Cub fan! Everyone loves the underdog, and, no matter who the Cubs are playing, they always will be.

Contact Carol

312.553.2000 ext: 202 |