The Annual Benefit Dinner brings together passionate supporters of AUSL’s work to recruit, train and support great teachers in underserved communities in Chicago and across the country. This signature event advances AUSL’s mission to prepare exceptional educators, ensuring every student receives the high-quality education they deserve. You won’t want to miss it!
Benefit Chairs:
Michael L. Keiser
Martin J. Koldyke
David J. Vitale
Honoring Dr. Janice K. Jackson
CEO, Hope Chicago
If possible, kindly consider check or wire transfer payment for gifts of $5,000+.
Please send payments to:
Academy for Urban School Leadership
PO Box 346165
Chicago, IL 60634-9998
Event Contact: Jennifer Breslin
About The Academy for Urban School Leadership
AUSL’s nationally recognized teacher residency program recruits passionate new teachers and trains them with the skill set needed to succeed in the classroom. Nationwide, AUSL consults with school districts to help educators and schools foster student success, drawing on 20 years experience in leadership and innovation.